Have you ever felt guilty about throwing away your child's artwork? Our daughter recently started Kindergarten, and we are already wondering what to do with all the art that she is bringing home from school!

She has a creative spirit, and also enjoys making art at home to display on our walls & doors. As proud parents, we would like to keep all of it; however, we often find ourselves having to choose what to keep and what to recycle without her observant eyes noticing! Try telling a 4-year old why she sees her art projects in the green recycle bin, or heaven forbid, THE TRASH!

This dilemma is the inspiration behind developing "Creative CAT" as a site dedicated to capturing & cherishing all of her artistic expressions!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


C. said the only thing she didn't like about kindergarten was that she didn't get to do much art! Sadly it is true, they didn't go to art class or make many art projects in class; however, we are thankful for the Enrichment Programs. The enrichment programs at C.’s school this year were remarkable. As a kindergarten student she was able to participate in the PTA Reflections Art Program, Beginning Violin, Oral Interpretation, Talent Show, and The Science Fair. She also won an auction item at the Fall Carnival to be the “Principal for the Day,” the youngest ever! What incredible opportunities for a beginning student, right?. Overall, kindergarten seemed to be a fun and thrilling experience for her as she started her academic journey…no wonder she can’t wait to get back to school, especially knowing she will have an official art class this coming school year!

PTA Reflections “Together We Can”: C. participated in the PTA Reflections program for the first time this year. Reflections encourages students to explore their artistic talents inspired by a specific theme. Reflections offers students in preschool through high school the opportunity to create works of art for fun and recognition in six arts areas: (o Dance choreography o Film production o Literature o Musical composition o Photography o Visual arts)

2011’s theme was “Together We Can.” C. submitted art work in 3 categories for this theme (Visual arts, Literature, and Musical composition)! Three out of 4 of her entries were chosen from the local level to move on to the district level competition. We were then invited to view all the district level entries on public display. We were very impressed with all of the student entries at all levels. It is definitely a program we are pleased to have the opportunity to participate in and volunteer for as long as C. is in school!

Visual Art Entry with poem she wrote about her new baby sister titled:

"We're The Only We!"

Violin: Beginning Violin with the amazing Ms. Mogan has been a challenge for this 5-year old and her “home teachers!” Preparing for the “Twinkle Graduation” to the final mountain concert coming up in August, has proven to be the biggest challenge of the year so far. Hopefully she will grow to appreciate it someday! She has completed about 15 of her Suzuki Method songs, and continues to improve her “Minuet No. 1” piece that she will perform during the final concert. This is one of our favorite pictures of her while on vacation this summer on The Big Island of Hawaii…yes, she did manage to get in a few practices while enjoying the beautiful Hawaiian sunsets! The biggest surprise of all was when she took her violin out herself and started playing at the airport while waiting for our plane to go back home. She says: “Mom, I want to play for money!”

Oral Interpretation: Oral Interpretation was so entertaining! It doesn't hurt that she & her friend came home with the 1st place blue ribbon! But it would’ve been just as much fun without the ribbon! Oral Interpretation required them to present a piece of literature from memory to perform, without props, in front of an audience. C. and her friend presented “There is a Bird on Your Head” by Mo Willems. (You’ve got to read the Piggie and Elephant books with your kids if you haven’t already.) C. was Piggie & G. was Elephant. They were the only kindergarteners who teamed up; however, they were very entertaining and quite dramatic (they should both consider taking theatre arts), which is why I think they won over the kindergarten boy who memorized all of the “Gettysburg Address,” which of course, was very impressive & mind-boggling! Good team work girls…we are very proud of both of you!

Science Fair: I’m not sure Science Fair would fall under the art category normally, but what C. picked, qualifies this year! She chose a project where she could incorporate her love for art, Chromatography, of course! She enjoyed being able to use her “texters” she received for her birthday from her Aussie Mate to complete her project. All it took were her washable markers (texters), coffee filters, water, water dropper, and some written observations for her to win the “Best Descriptive Analysis Award.” In her written observations, she wrote that it looked like an “exploding rainbow,” and some of them kind of did!

Talent Show: C. worked very hard on her music this year, taking both violin & piano, and was able to perform at home, school, and events outside of school, including “Marvelous Musicales.” She compiled her first CD as a Christmas gift to family & friends with over 40 songs from the piano on it. Some of her best performances included: “Over the River and through the Woods" and "In My Dreams." Last but not least, C. played “Over the Rainbow” from the Wizard of Oz for her school’s end –of- the-year Talent Show, which made my eyes fill up with tears of joy. Our hope is that she will continue to love music, and that she will learn that hard work does pay off, so that she can share her love of music with other people! It is truly a gift.

It is apparent that there was a rainbow theme in her art work throughout the school year (with her Visual Art entry displaying a rainbow, her piano performance of “Over the Rainbow” at the Talent Show, and her Science Fair chromatography project description), so it is fitting to leave you with these words and this "Marvelous Musicales" video as we reflect on your first year of grade school. "Sweet C.," we are so proud of your imagination & determination to do your best. Thank you for taking us somewhere over the rainbow this year…it was a pleasure to fly with you. Please never stop dreaming C., because “...the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true!” Now let’s see what 1st grade has in store for you…we love you. Love, Mommy, Daddy, G., and "Baby T"

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