Have you ever felt guilty about throwing away your child's artwork? Our daughter recently started Kindergarten, and we are already wondering what to do with all the art that she is bringing home from school!

She has a creative spirit, and also enjoys making art at home to display on our walls & doors. As proud parents, we would like to keep all of it; however, we often find ourselves having to choose what to keep and what to recycle without her observant eyes noticing! Try telling a 4-year old why she sees her art projects in the green recycle bin, or heaven forbid, THE TRASH!

This dilemma is the inspiration behind developing "Creative CAT" as a site dedicated to capturing & cherishing all of her artistic expressions!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

C.'s First Painting on Canvas

CAT painted her first canvas when she turned 2 with "The Greatest Mums & Bubs" (Australia playgroup) while living in Melbourne, Australia.

I remember that she had to try all the colors, which made all of her pictures very colorful! This was before she discovered that mixing all of the colors into a brown puddle was so cool.

Mommy treasured her first canvas of course, and found a place for it to be proudly displayed in the city apartment. However, we shortly found out that we were moving back to the states, and it was one of the items we could not pack to bring home (thank goodness for these photos)!

I was devastated to tears thinking about leaving her first piece of mountable art behind, but thanks to one of our Aussie mate's kind heart, it was kept in her art-loving home! I don't know if it still resides there, but she probably doesn't even know how much that really meant to me...

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