Have you ever felt guilty about throwing away your child's artwork? Our daughter recently started Kindergarten, and we are already wondering what to do with all the art that she is bringing home from school!

She has a creative spirit, and also enjoys making art at home to display on our walls & doors. As proud parents, we would like to keep all of it; however, we often find ourselves having to choose what to keep and what to recycle without her observant eyes noticing! Try telling a 4-year old why she sees her art projects in the green recycle bin, or heaven forbid, THE TRASH!

This dilemma is the inspiration behind developing "Creative CAT" as a site dedicated to capturing & cherishing all of her artistic expressions!

All About Me!

"I am an artist… I am here to live out loud."~Emile Zola
I am "Creative CAT," because I am always making colorful creations, and C-A-T are my initials!   I love art (all kinds of art)!  I dance, act, and play musical instruments, but my favorite thing to do is "dance!"
I dance in community recitals regularly, and will be performing on stage this winter. I will also perform in a K-2nd grade production of Aesop's Fables this coming fall, which is not my first in front of an audience!    When I was 3 1/2, I was the grasshopper in an Improv narration of "The Grasshopper and the Ant (there is a video of that somewhere, but here is an action photo)."  

Instruments I play: "piano & violin"
Instruments I would like to play: "guitar & drums"
My favorite kind of music: "musicals like Grease & Annie"
My favorite type of art: "visual arts like painting"

I have a mom, dad, and a baby sister!  Here is a special picture I made of my family using markers and buttons: 

Daddy, G., Me, and Mommy (with butterflies & a spider too)
 "My mommy and daddy say that my art is good, and I like when they say that!"

Thanks for checking out my page! 
~CAT, age 4